Simple acts that you can do to spread kindness!
Hold the door open for someone.
Make cookies for a staff member at your school or work who doesn’t get recognition often.
Write a card to somebody, just to encourage them, just do it!
Buy the food or drink for the car behind you in the drive thru.
Give someone a piece of gum/candy
Hug somebody.
Put your phone down when you are talking to someone.
Respect, respect, respect others.
Be on time.
Let someone know you’re thinking about them.
Fold someone’s clothes for them.
Give someone a sticker.
Look someone in the eye when you’re talking to them.
Listen to someone’s perspective, even when you disagree with it.
Buy someone coffee.
Go out of your way to accomodate someone else’s preferences.
Donate money to a cause you or someone you know is passionate about.
Bring someone a La Croix.
Clean someone’s house for them.
Make extra tea, coffee, hot cocoa for someone you work with or go to school with.
Do something without being asked.
Share with someone a song that made you think of them.
Drive someone to the airport.
These ideas along with so many other small acts of kindness can be done everywhere! Let me know how you’ve shown kindness and are continuing to do so! Comment below, I want to feature some ideas of yours in my next post!